After filing an injury claim in California, you will likely come into contact with insurance adjusters. These specialized professionals play an important role in the insurance industry, and they have the potential to affect the outcome of your injury claim. As employees of insurance companies, their goal is to help their employers achieve optimal profit margins. Unfortunately, the profit margins of an insurance company often come at the expense of injured plaintiffs. To approach these insurance adjusters with confidence and efficiency, consider working alongside a qualified, experienced personal injury lawyer in California.

 What is an Insurance Adjuster?

Also known as a “claims adjuster,” an insurance adjuster is a specialized employee of an insurance company. Although some work as independent contractors, the vast majority are directly employed by insurance companies. The role of an adjuster is to determine how much the insurance company should pay after an accident. In some cases, adjusters may determine that the company should not pay any compensation to the alleged victim. In other situations, insurance adjusters calculate the specific amount of liability that the insurance company is responsible for covering.

As direct employers of insurance companies, adjusters serve their employers first and foremost. An efficient adjuster helps their company pay less on each claim. If they cannot help their company cut costs and reduce payouts, they might even lose their job. In other words, there is a strong incentive for adjusters to fight for the lowest possible compensation for personal injury plaintiffs.

Efficient adjusters are also very familiar with the specific wording of relevant insurance policies. In other words, these employees understand the “fine print” better than perhaps any other person. This knowledge helps adjusters search for potential loopholes that make plaintiffs ineligible for compensation. An adjuster often confronts plaintiffs with various reasons for denied claims. It is also important to note, that in most cases, the insurance adjuster will receive additional compensation or a bonus for settling cases at lower amounts. This gives even more incentive for adjusters to make settlement offers very low.

 What Do Insurance Adjusters Do in California Personal Injury Cases?

Many personal injury cases revolve around insurance policies. The most obvious example is a car accident, as all motorists are required to carry valid auto insurance. When a driver causes an accident, they may be sued by injured parties. When this occurs, the at-fault driver’s insurer steps in and covers all related damages. However, the insurer obviously wants to limit these costs as much as possible. If they can get away with it, they will pay injured parties far less than they deserve.

There are many other personal injury cases that revolve around insurance policies. A slip and fall at a grocery store could lead to a lawsuit, and the business owner might turn to their premise liability insurance as a result. A product manufacturer might also turn to their insurance policy when facing a lawsuit for a defective or malfunctioning product.

Although the details may vary depending on the type of injury lawsuit, insurance adjusters will investigate each alleged accident. Their job is to search for any possible reason to deny claims or reduce compensation. Sometimes, they deny claims for perfectly legitimate reasons. For example, they might uncover evidence of insurance fraud. A car accident may have been staged, or someone might have pretended to slip and fall.

As they investigate accidents, adjusters might review a wide range of evidence. After a car accident, the adjuster might review police reports, dashcam footage, eyewitness accounts, vehicle damage, and other details. After a slip and fall at a grocery store, they might review surveillance footage to determine the nature of the accident. In all injury lawsuits, adjusters may review the plaintiff’s medical records to determine both the extent and legitimacy of their injuries. Based on this evidence, they will attempt to determine how much compensation to offer the plaintiff – or whether they deserve any compensation at all.

 What is the Best Way to Deal with an Adjuster after a Car Crash in California?

The best way to handle insurance adjusters in California personal injury cases is to work alongside qualified attorneys. Until you team up with a legal professional, it may be best to avoid making any comments to adjusters. You are perfectly justified in waiting until you enlist the help of a lawyer – as saying the wrong things to adjusters may prevent you from receiving compensation.

Once you begin working with a lawyer, you can approach adjusters with confidence. While lawyers can communicate with adjusters on your behalf, you might also need to make official statements on your own. Your lawyer can help you prepare for conversations with adjusters. For example, they may instruct you to avoid admitting guilt for the accident. It is generally a good idea to avoid going into too much detail when you speak with adjusters, as everything you say could be used against you at a later date. Generally speaking, you can simply tell insurance adjusters that you do not remember certain details.

With all other forms of communication, you can carefully draft written statements alongside your lawyer. Generally speaking, written statements are always preferable to verbal conversations. Not only is it easier to avoid mistakes when you draft written statements ahead of time, but this also leads to documentable evidence that may prove useful.

When it comes time to negotiate for a settlement, your lawyer can deal directly with insurance adjusters. Almost inevitably, the adjusters will offer you a relatively low settlement. Your lawyer can push back and suggest a more appropriate sum. These negotiations often function like mock trials – and your lawyer can point to evidence to back up counter-offers. For example, a settlement offer might only cover the hospital bills associated with a disfiguring injury. In this situation, your lawyer could point to medical records suggesting permanent burns or scars – subsequently fighting for a sum that covers psychological issues.

 Find a Qualified Personal Injury Attorney in California

Although insurance adjusters may present numerous problems for injured plaintiffs in California, you can overcome these roadblocks alongside a qualified personal injury attorney. Experienced lawyers at Miracle Law have plenty of experience with insurance adjusters, and we can negotiate effectively on your behalf. No matter what insurance representatives tell you, there is always hope for compensation. Reach out today, book a consultation, and pursue justice with confidence.