According to recent statistics, weather-related car wrecks cause more deaths per year than any other weather-related event – including lightning strikes, hurricanes, flooding, and heat stroke. That being said, weather-related crashes in California are not “acts of God” in the same way as a sudden windstorm or a blizzard. Often, it is the drivers who are responsible for these crashes – not the weather. Although adverse weather makes driving more difficult, reasonable motorists are expected to adjust their driving patterns and operate their vehicles safely in all conditions. If negligent drivers fail to adjust their driving to match weather conditions, they may be liable for the injuries they cause. Unfortunately, these injuries can be quite severe. In many cases, they prove fatal. If you are dealing with the aftermath of an accident in adverse weather conditions, discuss your next steps alongside a qualified California accident lawyer.

Extreme Weather is Becoming More Common in California

According to the California Climate Adaptation Strategy, the Golden State is experiencing “observable shifts in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events.” These events include things like wildfires, heatwaves, heavy rain, and droughts. Extreme flooding has the potential to seriously affect road conditions.

Snow and ice are also becoming more serious in winter months. In 2023, California broke a 40-year snowfall record with more than 50 feet of snow in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Also in 2023, the State experienced record-breaking low temperatures in various areas. As soon as the temperature drops below freezing, the roads become inherently more dangerous. This is especially true in California, as most motorists are completely unprepared for the dangers of icy, snowy roads.

Drivers are Expected to Slow Down in Adverse Weather Conditions

The most basic requirement of drivers during adverse weather conditions is simple — slow down. It is worth noting that the posted speed limits on roads only apply to ideal driving conditions. When faced with heavy rain, fog, wind, and other issues, California motorists are expected to drive well below the posted speed limit. The exact speed limit reduction is not exactly clear, and drivers are expected to use their common sense. Generally speaking, however, it is possible to receive a speeding ticket for driving the speed limit in particularly adverse weather conditions. Drive over the speed limit, and you might get a reckless driving citation.

Unfortunately, some drivers completely ignore this basic requirement and cause accidents. Injured motorists could potentially hold these drivers liable, and they may point out that a “reasonable” driver would have slowed down in the face of adverse weather conditions.

Forgetting to Use Headlights is Illegal in California

“Failure to operate headlights as intended” is a traffic offense in California, and it can lead to a fine of over $200. However, the worst potential consequences are much more than a potential fine. If a driver fails to put on their headlights, they become invisible in certain weather conditions. This can pose serious hazards for virtually everyone on the road – including pedestrians and cyclists.

Perhaps most obviously, it is important to put on your headlights at night. However, headlights may also be required by law during heavy fog and rain. In these conditions, it becomes very difficult to spot distant vehicles until it is far too late. This also applies to brake lights that warn approaching drivers of slowing traffic up ahead.

Trucker Negligence During Adverse Weather Conditions

Truckers must pay particularly close attention to weather conditions. If they fail to adjust their driving based on these conditions, they may cause a range of serious accidents. Commercial vehicles have much less effective braking distances, and these vehicles have more extensive braking distances compared to the average sedan. In adverse weather conditions, this braking distance can become even more extensive. If a trucker fails to provide a safe following distance, they may be completely unable to avoid collisions in adverse weather conditions.

Trucks may be more affected by heavy winds. Although it might seem unthinkable, a heavy gust of wind can completely knock over a commercial vehicle. This is because the trailer acts like a sail – catching the wind and pushing the entire vehicle off the road. These rollover accidents can cause serious injuries to everyone nearby.

Sometimes, Drivers Need to Simply Pull Over and Wait for Storms to Pass

Although it is possible to adjust driving patterns based on the weather conditions, sometimes storms become so severe that no one in their right mind would attempt to drive. Truckers, in particular, should pull over during these severe weather events. The Department of Transportation makes it clear that truckers cannot be fired for refusing to drive in adverse weather. In other words, there is no excuse for trucking companies or their employees to continue driving when it is clearly unsafe.

The average driver may also need to pull over and wait for storms to pass. Sometimes, flooding and other issues can be so intense that it is clearly not worth taking the risk. Often, the decision to pull over can save lives. Note that if you are still driving when an accident occurs, this same argument might be used against you. However, California’s comparative negligence system means that you can still file an injury claim even if you were partially at fault for your own accident.

Find a Qualified Auto Accident Attorney in Rancho Cucamonga

If you have been searching for a qualified auto accident lawyer in California, look no further than the Miracle Law, APC. While adverse weather conditions can certainly contribute to accidents, drivers must also accept liability for their role in these crashes. Even in the face of the most extreme weather conditions imaginable, it is possible to drive safely. Perhaps most notably, it is always possible to simply pull over and get off the road. Whether you have suffered injuries firsthand or you’re struggling with the loss of a loved one, we can guide you toward the compensation you need. Book your consultation today to get started with an effective action plan.