A personal injury attorney in Burbank can provide you with guidance and representation as you seek compensation for your damages. As a plaintiff in a California personal injury lawsuit, you might be struggling with various financial pressures, including mounting medical bills and untold months of missed wages. In addition, you might face lasting psychological issues in the aftermath of your accident, including PTSD, disfigurement, depression, and emotional distress. A personal injury attorney in Burbank can help you pursue compensation for all of these damages and many others. How exactly do they accomplish this?
How Can a Personal Injury Attorney in Burbank Help Me?
Burbank is home to about 100,000 people, and it is located within the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles County. Nicknamed the “Media Capital of the World,” Burbank is also home to major production facilities and studio headquarters. In addition, it is a hotbed for military R&D, with Lockheed’s famous Skunk Works facility once located nearby.
Burbank residents face numerous risks every day when crossing the street, driving to work, or getting a lift in a rideshare vehicle. Numerous fatal car accidents are reported each year, as well as fatal pedestrian accidents and incidents involving drunk drivers. For those who have been injured in these accidents, personal injury attorneys in Burbank provide guidance, education, and representation.
What are the Steps of a Personal Injury Claim in Burbank?
The process typically begins with a consultation. This is an initial meeting that takes place between a personal injury lawyer and an injured victim – also known as a “plaintiff.” During this meeting, the lawyer carefully assesses the unique circumstances of the crash, whether it involved a motorcycle accident, pedestrian accident, rideshare accident, auto accident, or bike accident. From there, the lawyer helps the plaintiff determine whether it is worth pursuing legal action.
If both parties decide to move ahead, they subsequently gather as much information, documentation, and evidence regarding the crash. They use this evidence to establish the negligence of the party that caused the crash. From there, they may negotiate with the relevant defendants and insurers for a fair financial settlement. If a settlement cannot be reached, the plaintiff may decide to pursue a full-blown legal trial in order to pursue compensation. At the conclusion of this trial, a judge or jury decides whether or not the plaintiff should receive an award.
What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Burbank?
A wrongful death lawsuit in Burbank occurs when families lose loved ones in fatal crashes. For example, a motorcyclist may suffer fatal injuries after being ejected from their motorcycle in Burbank. If police and family members learn that the crash was caused by a drunk driver, the victim’s loved ones may decide to pursue legal action on behalf of the deceased motorcyclist.
A wrongful death lawsuit can provide compensation for a range of damages incurred by both the deceased victim and the loved ones they left behind. The victim may have experienced medical treatment before their passing, including emergency transport to the nearest hospital and attempts at life-saving procedures. Even if the victim passes away, the cost of this treatment may be passed on to surviving family members. A wrongful death claim can provide compensation for these damages, as well as future missed wages, emotional distress/grief, and funeral expenses.
Can I Sue For Whiplash, A Common Injury After Any Accident?
Whiplash is generally seen by medical experts as one of the least serious injuries a victim can suffer in a Burbank car accident. That being said, this minor injury is still capable of causing serious losses for innocent victims. For example, whiplash might necessitate numerous trips to chiropractors, kinesiologists, physical therapists, and other medical professionals. Victims might also need to take days or weeks off work. These damages can add up to many thousands of dollars in losses. There is no reason to pay for these losses out of your own pocket if someone else was to blame for your crash.
It is worth mentioning that if you suffered whiplash, there is a high chance that someone else was to blame for your accident. This is because whiplash is closely correlated with rear-end injuries. If someone rear-ends you, it is almost always their fault. The general consensus is that these accidents only occur if drivers follow each other too closely without leaving enough space.
Find a Personal Injury Attorney in Burbank Today
If you have been searching for an experienced personal injury attorney in Burbank, look no further than Miracle Law, APC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs who have suffered a range of different damages. Whether you are filing on behalf of yourself, a loved one, or a minor child, we can guide you toward the compensation you need and deserve. While online research serves as a positive first step, you can receive further, personalized guidance by booking a consultation with us today.